What Are the Difficulties of Learning a Foreign Language?


Do you know a foreign language? Was it difficult for you to learn it? In fact, it is not always easy as it seems to be. Scientists proved that learning a new language is the hardest thing your brain can do. However, some people can easily learn a few languages whereas for others, it is a challenge to learn at least one language. 


It is really hard to understand how to transfer between too complex language structures, to learn to think in another language and understand native speakers that frequently use dialects. On top of that, it usually takes time and hard work to master an absolutely new language for you!


Let’s review the main difficulties people face when learning a foreign language. However, if you have a desire to learn a new language and wish to sound like a native speaker, you can easily overcome all these challenges.

Problems with Spelling

If English is not your native language, you probably understand that spelling always causes difficulties. Not all words are pronounced as they have to be written. The thing is that English is an old language, and its spelling inherited the weakness of the Old Alphabet. Some sounds have two letters in spelling. Some words were inherited from the French. That’s why it is really hard to learn English spelling. But the modern world is continually evolving; new digital tools hit the market to make the learning process easier. Spell checking programs are one of these tools. Such software products allow you to check your spelling for mistakes. All the words that were written incorrectly will be highlighted in a different color. 


Overall, spell checkers are must-have tools for those who want to make sure their letters or texts are free from mistakes.

Hesitation in Speaking

You can learn new words, new grammar rules, but when it comes to speaking, you’ll undoubtedly experience difficulties. On top of that, it is really hard to talk to the locals. Sometimes, you may be ashamed of talking to them. You probably think that your language is not perfect or you don’t know how to express this or that point of view. Sometimes, it is really hard to talk to native speakers. However, you should try it!


Not all native speakers are rude; some of them are glad that you study their language and wish to practice your skills with them! Never be afraid of criticism! When you start speaking the new language with others, you’ll practice your skills and gradually, you’ll start talking much better!

Struggling with Slang

At school or college, you study the standard language, but when you start talking to the locals, you’ll see that the language is absolutely different. Simply put, you’ll experience some difficulties when it comes to speaking conversationally. All over the world, people use slang. 

The only solution to this problem is talking to native speakers. Only practice can help you understand the slang of locals!

Lack of Time

When you do wish to master a new language, you need to study a lot. It is clear that 2-3 lessons per week aren’t enough. You need to study at least one hour per day. We all are busy today, at work or at home. But if your overriding objective is to learn a new language, you need to find the time and do this every day! Sometimes, you may even need to change your daily habits and your priorities. Choose a time when you can study (morning, day, or evening) and decide when it is suitable for you to learn the new language.


If you are a busy person, you can listen to podcasts or educational videos on the go. We have gadgets everywhere so use them to study the new language. 


Think what exactly stops you from learning English, French, German, or Chinese? Absence of a partner to practice communicative skills? No time? Today, we all have uninterrupted access to the internet and dozens of websites and applications that are available for free! Ultimately, nothing but your desire is needed! When you finally overcome all these challenges. You’ll quickly learn the new language!

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